The API returns standard HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of the API requests. For errors, it also returns a customized error message inside the JSON response. You can see the returned HTTP status codes below.
HTTP Status Codes
Status Code | Status Name | Message |
200 | OK | Request successful. Most GET requests will return 200 OK . |
201 | Created | Resource successfully created. Most POST requests to create a Fidel API entity (for example, a program or a card) will return a 201 Created . |
204 | No Content | Request successful with no content returned. Usually DELETE requests will return a 204 No Content . |
400 | Bad Request | Request was unacceptable. error.code and error.message contain information about the rejection reason. For example: "error": { "code": "content-type", "message": "Content-Type header is not defined" } |
401 | Unauthorized | API or SDK key provided is invalid. For example: "error": { "code": "credential", "message": "Credential does not exist" } |
402 | Request Failed | Valid parameters but the request failed. |
403 | Forbidden | The request could not be satisfied. The API throws a 403 when you try to send invalid HTTP requests. For example, sending a POST body with a GET request. |
404 | Not Found | Resource does not exist within Fidel API. For example: "error": { "code": "routes", "message": "Route does not exist" |
405 | Method Not allowed | Invalid HTTP method. The resource you're trying to call does not support the method you're trying to use. For example: "error": { "code": "routes", "message": "Invalid HTTP method" } |
429 | Too Many Requests | The endpoint rate limit was exceeded. See more about rate limits on Fidel API. |
500, 502, 503, 504 | Server Error | Something went wrong on the API's side. |
Card Errors
You can see all the possible error responses for the Create Card and Delete Card endpoints in the following pages: